Command & Conquer: ALG Edition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
NOD Invades USA! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
From USA Today... MIAMI-Nod forces got the jump on GDI by sending in a transport ship at night, and let them out, slaughtering all GDI forces withing the area. Nod continued their raid, but by morning, GDI forces had held them back, and are currently on a 24 hour watch. Nod�s strategy looks pretty clear from here. They are trying to take out GDI�s main headquarters, or, the UN, in New York. As a precaution, UN officials have been scatered across the world, so Nod cannot win with just one swift attack. On the front lines... �Emergency! Nod has sent in reinforcments, and a raiding party is headed our way! We cannot hold them back much longe-� Week 1: Florida | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Rules of C&C: ALG Edition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rules Welcome to Command & Conquer ALG Edition! In this game, you are a soldier for either the Brotherhood of NOD, who are bent on global domination, or the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), which is a UN military organization attempting to stop them. You�ll play for one of these sides, and will help progress the storyline of C&C: ALG. About five minutes before the game, the host will take applications for positions. An application should include the following: character name, and character type. For character type, here they are, complete with stats (more on how those work later). Footman Attack: 15 Defense: 10 Counterattack: 20 Sniper Attack: 20 Defense: 5 Counterattack: 15 Grenadeer Attack: 20 Defense: 10 Counterattack: 10 Spy Attack: 0 (has special abilities) Defense: 20 Counterattack: 0 20 Applications will be chosen, and the players will be randomly assigned to a random side (so try to avoid names that would suggest the character being on a certain side). The game is played easily. You attack your opponents to try and kill them, and ultimatley, destroy the enemy base. You attack enemies in pre-determined public rooms (public so we are sure nobody is cheating). You move from room to room, hunting down people. To kill somebody, you must find them in a public room, and type in �A-(person�s name or abrieviation of sort)� to attempt to kill them. Then you roll one die with sides equal to your attack rating (add one if you are attempting a capture). The defender will roll his or her defense stat in 1dX, as did you. If the attacker�s number is higher, the defender is dead. If not, the defender lives, and gets an automatic counter attack (no need to say anything, but its preferable to type in �COUNTER� or something to inform your opponent). First, the defender takes the difference of numbers in rolls (example: attacker rolls 5, defender rolls 8. Defender takes 3), and then adds it to a roll of their counterattack die. Then the other person rolls as a defense. Same thing happens as before. Ties for either side go to the defender, but ends up in 0 being added to the counterattack roll. If a person is found to have run after attacking and missing, avoiding a counterattack, that person is disqualified instantly. Losers, send an E-Mail to the head judge, saying you lost, and to who. Also, include (for each kill attempt) the number of sides rolled on the dice for each people. Now exit the room, and go do whatever the hell you want online. The ultimate goal is to destroy your opponent�s base, which will win you the game instantly. To destroy it, type in �A-Base�, and roll your offensive die. The current judge will roll 1d20, and if the offensive wins, the difference is subtracted from the base�s HP (which starts out at 50). A person can attack multiple times, but only one attack at the base is allowed at a time for simplicity�s sake (you can, however, attack any defenders present, and vice versa. No attacking any base attacker, though). Here�s where the spy comes in. A spy can enter the enemy base, and go undetected (hence, cannot be attacked. You�ll know of any spies on your opponent�s side, as well as yours so you don�t attack). While they are hiding out at the opponent�s base, the offensive roll is doubled. After each base attack, the spy rolls 1d2. If he rolls a 1, his cover is blown, and can be attacked for the rest of the game (and still has attack of 0). If your character survives the game (goes through without being killed), then he is eligeble for play again, for the same side in future games. The character can also gain levels, as in RPGs, which will increase attack, defense, and counterattack. Spies can gain levels for each game they infiltrate a base, and survive to do it again, this time, gaining more defense. Other soldiers gain levels through kills (delivering the final blow to a base counts as 1 kill). Depending on the outcome of each game, a new section will be added to the storyline. The storyline is on this page, and will be updated as soon after the match as possible. If you would like to contribute a piece of writing to the storyline as your character (the character must still be alive), then go ahead and E-Mail it to me. Assuming I don�t get 20 pieces or so for a certain week, and assuming the storyline won�t screw completley with the currently written one, every submitted piece will be printed (if your storyline won�t work with the base, I�ll contact you, telling the problems, and give you a chance to fix it). And for those who care about the tokens, each surviving member of the winning team divides the token pool evenly. Odds and Ends A three strike rule will be in effect. If you sign off, you�ll get a strike if you sign back on (otherwise, you�ll be considered dead). If you get three of these strikes, you�ll be disqualified. For those complaining about those random AOL boots, this is why we made it a three strike rule rather than one. Rarely ever do you get booted twice in an hour, and I�ve never heard of a time when its happened 3 times in an hour. If returning players make a certain team dominate (ex. there are 11 returning GDI players), one may be asked to make a new character to play for the opposing side. If you whine about the side you got for a reason other than the fact that your character survived last round or any other good reason, you are disqualified immediatley. If your character survives a round, s/he is eligeble for the Command & Conquer ALG Edition Hall of Fame. Write up a complete profile, getting as in-depth to the character as possible, and send it to me. If that character dies, you can write an obituary. Regardless of wether or not you do, the information that the character was KIA will be written at the end of the profile. Pictures are also welcome to be added, if you can draw up one. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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